fredag 21 september 2012


something i find
Aries doesn't have time for foreplay.
Taurus keeps going and going and going...
Gemini wants a menage a trois.
Cancer likes it in the hot tub.
Leo buys costumes.
Virgo showers before, during and after.
Libra can't decide whether they want it or not.
Scorpio wants it all day, every day.
Sagittarius does it under the stars.
Capricorn prefers to be on top.
Aquarius likes crowds.
Pisces swoons over the poetry of the act.

Vädur har inte tid för förspel.
Taurus fortsätter gå och gå och gå ...
Gemini vill ha en trekant.
Cancer trivs i hot tub.
Leo köper kostymer.
Virgo duschar före, under och efter.
Vågen kan inte avgöra om de vill det eller inte.
Scorpio vill ha det hela dagen, varje dag.
Skytten gör det under stjärnorna.
Stenbock föredrar att vara på topp.
Aquarius gillar folksamlingar.
Fiskarna swoons över poesi av lagen.



Im bored today only mix photos .
I have study whole the day OMG ><

Cleopatra VS Marilyn Monroe

torsdag 20 september 2012


When you really want to cry but refuses to appear weak, it is when you take the help of laughter?
When you really want to laugh but refuses to show himself strong, is it taking helped by crying?
When should you dare to show their feelings, it is far too easy to just smile a fake smile and then all believe that everything is fine.
When you dare to show the tears burning behind my eyelids? As forces there fake smile?
So many times you refused to be weak and so many times you had to take crap because you were too strong. Where is the balance, when you have the right to appear strong or weak?
Should I go around Time as a mediocre half nut person? Or should you dare to scream, laugh and cry?

I think we are like an actor. 

Today i missed the train OMG LOL bad luck.
I think i should open my eyes more.