onsdag 27 februari 2013

7 dödsynderna

De 7 Dödssynderna

Sju dödssynder! (saligia) - De sju dödssynderna, huvudsynderna eller
kardinalsynderna, kallade så inom romersk-katolsk kristendom eftersom
de anses leda till andra laster och synder och leder till evig
fördömelse om man inte ångrade sig. De sju dödssynderna är: högmod,
girighet, vällust, avund, frosseri, vrede, lättja. Positiva motsvarigheter: de sju dygderna - De sju dygderna, eller de
sju heliga dygderna, är de positiva spegelegenskaperna till de
sju dödssynderna inom romersk-katolsk kristendom. De sju dödsynderna
var under medeltiden tillsammans med tio budorden de främsta utgångspunkterna
för etiska diskussioner och betraktelser.


Högmod! (superbia) - Högmod innebär en alltför stor självuppskattning
och självhävdelse. Högmod betyder att man tror sig kunna något man
egentligen inte kan eller att man utmanar ödet alldeles för mycket.
Besläktade begrepp till högmod: självöverskattning, självförhävelse,
förhävelse, övermod, högfärd, stolthet, dryghet, överlägsenhet, snobbism,
förmätenhet, högdragenhet, egenkärlek, arrogans Kardinaldygd, motsats till högmod: ödmjukhet (humilitas) - En ödmjuk person
har en balanserad självuppfattning och är medveten om sina begränsningar.
Ödmjukhet är emellertid inte detsamma som självförnekelse.
Besläktade begrepp till ödmjukhet: respektfullhet, anspråkslöshet,
undergivenhet, underdånighet, lydighet, foglighet, blygsamhet,
vördnad, fromhet, skamkänsla


Girighet! (avaratia) - Girighet kan liknas vid ett överdrivet och eventuellt
omättligt begär att äga saker, framför allt pengar, guld eller dylikt.
Besläktade begrepp till girighet: snålhet, snikenhet, njugghet, knusslighet,
penningbegär, lystnad, habegär Kardinaldygd, motsats till girighet: öppenhet (liberalis) - Den generöse är
liberal i sitt givande till andra och ger utan förväntan om återgäldelse, och
även om det innebär en personlig uppoffring.
Besläktade begrepp till öppenhet: generositet, frikostighet, givmildhet, tolerans,
fördragsamhet, fördomsfrihet, klarhet, uppriktighet, ärlighet


Vällust! (luxuria) - Man låter sig inte stoppas av moralisk tveksamhet,
utan lever sitt liv i synd och lust, med skönhet som högsta ideal.
Besläktade begrepp till vällust: sinnlig njutning, lust, tillfredsställelse,
sinnlighet, sensualism, otukt, okyskhet Kardinaldygd, motsats till vällust: dygd (virtus) - Ett moraliskt
eftertraktansvärt personligt karaktärsdrag. Göra en dygd av nödvändigheten,
rätta sig efter omständigheterna, göra det bästa av situationen.
Besläktade begrepp till dygd: moral, heder, förtjänst, redbarhet,
avhållsamhet, kyskhet, oskuld, mödom, jungfrudom


Avund! (invidia) - Avund är en önskan om att erhålla samma saker
eller fördelar som någon annan har.
Besläktade begrepp till avund: missunnsamhet, avundsjukhet, avundsamhet,
svartsjuka, rivalitet Kardinaldygd, motsats till avund: medmänsklighet (humanitas) - Människans
storhet och förmåga till djup uppoffrande medmänsklighet. Besläktade begrepp
till medmänsklighet: godhet, mänsklighet, medkänsla, välvilja, förståelse,
mildhet, hovsamhet, vänlighet, generositet


Frosseri! (gula) - Frosseri är då en människa tar åt sig mer än vad hon behöver,
i synnerhet vad gäller mat och dryck. När det gäller materiella sammanhang
brukar man istället tala om girighet.
Besläktade begrepp till frosseri: vällevnad, överflöd, överdåd, slöseri,
överdriven njutning Kardinaldygd, motsats till frosseri: avhållsamhet (frenum) - En avhållsam
person kan hantera yttre stress utan att hänfalla åt okontrollerade känslosvall.
Besläktade begrepp till avhållsamhet: återhållsamhet, måttlighet, abstinens,
asketism, försakelse, nykterhet, absolutism, renlevnad


Vrede! (ira) - Vrede är en djup och stark känsla av att ha blivit förorättad
på ett sätt som kräver upprättelse.
Besläktade begrepp till vrede: ilska, förbittring, ursinne, raseri, argsinthet,
upprördhet, harm, vredesmod, indignation, förtrytelse, förtörnelse, förgrymmelse
Kardinaldygd, motsats till vrede: tålamod (patentia) - En tålmodig person kan
hantera yttre stress utan att hänfalla åt okontrollerade känslosvall.
Besläktade begrepp till tålamod: tålighet, tålmodighet, lugn, uthållighet,
långmod, fördragsamhet, tolerans


Lättja! (acedia) - Lättja är motvilja till ansträngning när andra hinder än
motvilja inte finns.
Besläktade begrepp till lättja: likgiltighet, liknöjdhet, lathet, slöhet,
slapphet, oföretagsamhet, lojhet, maklighet, flegma Kardinaldygd, motsats till lättja: flit (industria)
Besläktade begrepp till flit: strävsamhet, arbetsamhet, ihärdighet, idoghet,
nit, iver, strävan, trägenhet, trägen verksamhet

söndag 10 februari 2013


Chinese Astrology: Determining Your Month, Day and Hour Animal

The Chinese Zodiac system provides you with a system of Heavenly Stems (one version refers to the Five Elements another to a more complicated configuration) and Earthly Branches. In this method commonly used by astrologers in the Ba Zi or the Four Pillars of Destiny, the Earthly Branches are the Circle of Animals. Each of the 12 animals has a year, month, day and even hour. Since the year is readily available on the internet and in various books and articles, I will look only at the Earthly Branches for the Month, Day and Hour.
Month Rulers
There are twelve animals called “Inner Animals” that represent each month of the year. Their favorable month is as follows:
  • Ox: January
  • Tiger: February
  • Rabbit: March
  • Dragon: April
  • Snake: May
  • Horse: June
  • Sheep: July
  • Monkey: August
  • Rooster: September
  • Dog: October
  • Pig: November
  • Rat: December
Carefully consider the month of your animal. In this time, s/he becomes the most active. As such, it is a favourable month for you. During this period, your characteristics will become more obvious to others.
Day Animals
Chinese animal signs rule over days of the week, too. The term for them is “True Animals.” If your astrologer wishes to prepare a chart, it is essential he or she knows the animals of your day of birth. Given there are only seven days of the week and 12 animals, there is some repetition or doubling up.
The animals for each day are as follows:
  • Monday:Sheep
  • Tuesday:Dragon
  • Wednesday:Horse
  • Thursday: Rat, Pig
  • Friday: Rabbit, Snake, Dog
  • Saturday: Ox,Tiger, Rooster
  • Sunday:Monkey
Hour Animals
In preparing a Chinese astrology chart, you also must include the hour of your birth. The term for these animals is “Secret Animal.” The times provided below refer to Western concepts of time. The Chinese system is very different.
  • 11am -1am:Rat
  • 1am – 3 am: Ox
  • 3am – 5 am: Tiger
  • 5am – 7 am: Rabbit
  • 7am – 9am: Dragon
  • 9am – 11am: Snake
  • 11am – 1pm: Horse
  • 1pm – 3pm:Goat
  • 3pm – 5pm:Monkey
  • 5pm – 7pm:Rooster
  • 7pm – 9pm:Dog
  • 9pm – 11pm: Pig
Putting it all Together
As a result, the initial look at your chart would consist of the four animals. They would be your year animal, month animal, day animal and hour animal. Yet, each animal does not have equal weight in your astrological chart. The year animal has more force than that of the month. The month animal has more weight than that of the day. The day animal is more powerful than that of the hour.
In determining your animal, you need to look beyond that of your year. You must also take into consideration the inner or month animal, the true or day animal and the secret or hour animal. By combining these four animals together, you are better able to reach a basic analysis of your character (purely a Western concept). However, if you wish to complete a Four Pillars astrological chart, you will also need to know about the metals associated with each of these four Earthly Branches. In Chinese Astrology, this Five element system forms a component of the Heavenly Stems.

personlig utveckling

Att hata

18 Jun 2011 Har du någonsin hatat någon utan att veta varför? Du hatar till exempel någon du just har träffat, utan anledning. Eller du hatar någon på grund av deras kön, deras hårfärg, deras politiska åsikt eller deras ålder. Varför?
Innan du hatade den där typen av människa, kanske du försökte hjälpa någon som var lik honom eller henne.
Jill säger till exempel: ”Kan du låna mig 20000 kr?”
Du svarar: ”Nej, jag vill inte ge dig ett lån. Men jag kan visa dig hur du kan få löneförhöjning.”
Jill säger: ”Glöm det! Om jag ville ha ditt råd, skulle jag be om det.”
Plötsligt känner du lite hat mot Jill. Hennes kommentar är djupt förolämpande.
”Om du tänker på någon du hatar, kan du förmodligen komma i håg en gång när du försökte hjälpa honom eller en person som var lik honom. Ditt hat är faktiskt baserat på det faktum att du misslyckades.”
- L. Ron Hubbard
Du försökte hjälpa någon och du misslyckades. Du gav kanske ett dåligt råd. Personen ville kanske inte ha den sortens hjälp som du erbjöd. Vid den tidpunkten kanske personen inte insåg att du hade goda avsikter.
Det är en eländig, upprörande känsla att försöka hjälpa någon … och misslyckas.

Hur man löser detta hat

”Välj en person som du har försökt hjälpa och få i gång en diskussion om ämnet hjälp. Om du hade svårt att hjälpa den där personen, kan jag garantera att du kommer att gå in i en av de vildaste diskussioner du haft på ett bra tag.” – L. Ron Hubbard
Så tala om ämnet ”hjälp” i stället för att ignorera personen eller bli arg.
Diskutera att ge hjälp, ta emot hjälp, problem med hjälp och så vidare. När du väl kommit i gång, kommer ditt hat att försvinna. Du kommer att förstå personen eller människor som liknar denna person.


10 Mar 2012 Framgång är lätt, om ingenting skrämmer dig. Du känner dig aldrig tveksam, blyg eller nervös. Du agerar.
Men när du inte agerar, är det förmodligen på grund av rädsla.
Rädsla är oförmågan att modigt möta någon eller någonting. Man föredrar att undvika det. När man inte kan möta ett problem, verkar det vara komplicerat eller stressande.


26 Jan 2012 Du går neråt gatan och en kille kommer fram till dig och begär pengar. Du kör längs vägen och en polis vinkar in dig. Din gruppledare ber dig tala till hela gruppen.
Din chef eller en kollega är så arg på dig att han eller hon börjar skrika. Din stora investering kraschar plötsligt. Kvarterets översittare vill tala med dig.
Du behöver mod att hantera någonting som skrämmer dig, om du vill nå framgång. Du måste se dina rädslor i vitögat. Du behöver flera slags mod.

onsdag 6 februari 2013

Celtic Astrology

Sara's Characteristics

Name Of TreeThe Ruling PlaneThe Ruling Deity
The Alder TreeMarsThe god of the spiritual world - Bran, the Blessed
The Ruling AnimalOgham TermLucky Color
The fox which symbolizes cunningness and skillFernCrimson
Lucky MonthLucky LetterLucky Gemstone
JanuaryF and VRuby
Lucky FlowerClassPolarity

Characteristics :- Energetic, Courageous and determination are the keywords of the Alder people. You love taking risks and are hard workers. You are of affectionate and charming nature. As individuals you are adventurous and self reliant. You love to live in a world made by you yourself.Being adventurous, you are always inclined to break rules, overcome obstacles and hindrances and explore the relatively newer side of life. Quick temper and selfishness are some of the qualities which are of high prominence in you. You people are blessed with great sense of humor. Energy and determination remain within you throughout the day. You are accommodative and gentle, charming and affectionate as well. Alder people are generally attracted towards dangerous and risk taking works which would repel any sane human brain. Psychologically, you people are much uncomplicated and express your inner needs, desires and feelings in a straight forward manner. Learn how to prioritize your works and be diplomatic or else all your energy and work will be wasted.


söndag 3 februari 2013

change skin color

Change your eye colour and skin tone with the popping of a pill

Could Gwyneth Paltrow and Beyonce emulate one another's looks with this new pill?
With the new compound you could go from being a blue-eyed redhead to a brunette with dark skin and brown eyes, scientists say
Imagine going a gorgeous golden colour without having to bake for hours in the sun or use a fake tan. To make your skin colour change chemically, all you would need to do is pop a pill or apply a cream.
You may soon be able to alter your skin tone, and maybe even your eye colour, as easily and as often as you dye your hair but with a lot less mess ? while protecting your skin from sun damage and cancer.
Scientists are finally beginning to understand the mechanisms behind tanning. And rather than just making it possible to darken pigments it has become clear that it should be just as easy to lighten skin tone, too, an idea now being taken up by cosmetic companies.
So whether you are a redhead who fancies a deep, dark skin colour and black hair, or if you are black-skinned or Asian and would rather be a fair-skinned blond with blue eyes, all you have to do is take a tablet or slap on a cream for a couple of weeks. Or at least until you fancy changing again.
Far from being motivated by keeping Beyoncé wannabes happy, these developments stem from anti-cancer research.
Given that one of the best defences against skin cancer is a natural tan built up over several weeks, scientists have sought to unravel the mechanisms that make this possible. They found it is far more complicated than they had thought.
It has long been known that skin, hair and eye colour are mostly influenced by a dark pigment called melanin.
But previously it was thought that tanning was a response to the ultraviolet radiation in sunlight damaging DNA. This was thought to activate the melanin-producing centres within the cells, known as melanocytes, as a sort of natural defence.
Spray-on dyes aside, some existing fake tans act on this theory by using a synthetic version of a long-known hormone to try to boost melanin production.
However, this tends to work only for people who have no problem with melanin production, leaving the fair-skinned no better off ? probably because their melanocytes cannot produce enough melanin.
Now, research by skin cancer expert Dr David Fisher and colleagues at Harvard Medical School, in Massachusetts, has shown that damage to DNA is not a necessary step in getting a tan.
Fisher thought a compound called forskolin ? which comes from the root of an Asian plant ? might activate the same tan-producing mechanism as the sun.
He made a lotion from the forskolin and applied it to specially bred mice that have red fur and skin normally incapable of tanning.
After several weeks of daily application, the mice were really tanned. The forskolin helped activate melanin at a much earlier stage and so was able to get even the under-productive melanocytes of the mice to generate sufficient melanin.
"I suspected we might see some darkening," said Fisher. "But I was fairly shocked that it was so efficient. They went seriously brown, dark brown, and even black."
Under the microscope, the lotion is seen to affect human skin cells. There have been no human trials yet, but the prospects for cosmetic use look good.
"In mice we had enormous control over the degree of pigmentation," Fisher said. "The darkened mice showed no signs of toxicity and their new tans were found to provide plenty of protection from subsequent exposure to the sun."
It is also quite feasible that the same mechanisms could be manipulated to inhibit melanin production rather than stimulate it ? to lighten skin rather than darken it, he said.
Many black people, particularly women, have tried to lighten their skin. But lightening creams have, so far, been dangerous.
Some contain mercury, which causes neurological and kidney damage, speech and hearing impairments and psychiatric disorders. Others include hydroquinone, which causes blue-black discolouration and leads to neuropathy, a neurological disease.
So for those intent on lightening their skin, the new findings could be a welcome breakthrough.
However, there are thorny ethical issues. Actor, playwright and social commentator Kwame Kweh- Armah, says: "A pill that can whiten a black person?s skin is an absolutely horrendous, disgraceful thing. Any product that says to the black community that you can be more like the colour of the powerbrokers is plain wrong.
"We laugh about how Michael Jackson lightened his skin. Now we?re wanting to create our own Wacko Jackos. These products send a psychological message to all black women and girls.
"It?s our equivalent of the size-zero debate. It?s 2007, the bicentenary of the abolition of the slave trade. We should be finding ways to move away from the pecking order of skin colour, rather than create a magic pill that keeps it firmly in place."
But cosmetics firms are excited and Avon has already filed a patent for a skin lightening process that takes advantage of this latest knowledge.
Previous work by Fisher has shown hairs tend to go grey when melanocytes at their roots die off. Other research suggests this can be remedied by applying chemicals that trigger melanin production or cause genes to express it.
Latest glaucoma drugs have shown melanin levels in the iris can be influenced chemically, causing eye colour to change.
So, in theory, the mechanisms that decide eye colour could also be manipulated chemically or genetically.

lördag 2 februari 2013


Fire Signs

 Aries -
March 20th to April 20th

 The ram is used to describe the sign of Aries because it is always full of energy and life, always on the move, and always looking for a challenge.
A person with a dominance of Aries in the horoscope is usually full of vitality and courage. He enjoys challenge, and can often be found excelling at sports and other competitive games. He will try anything if there is a chance to win. Many people who have the Sun in Aries, or perhaps some of the other planets in Aries, are natural leaders. They have plenty of new, creative ideas. They may get impatient when they must follow a routine, or do what they think are boring things. The Aries person does not like being told what to do. He likes to make his own way in life.
Aries people have a fiery, impulsive quality. They tend to be outgoing and sometimes have hot tempers, but they forgive easily as well. They are optimistic and rarely remain sad for long.
Aries feel good when they are first at something, and when they can invent new ideas or activities which their friends enjoy.

Leo -
July 23rd to August 22nd

 The lion is called the King of the Beasts. This animal is a good symbol to represent the kind of personality which seems to belong to most Leos. If you watch a lion you will see that he is always dignified, proud looking, and relaxed. He seems to know that he is king.
Sometimes he also enjoys being lazy and lying around in the sun. All this means that if you are a Leo you probably need plenty of time and opportunity in your life to do the things you want, things that give you joy and allow you to express yourself in a pleasurable way. Leos always like to think big, and do not enjoy things which are too detailed, or too dull. They also like to lead, and don't like being ordered around.
There is another thing which is important to a Leo, and that is love. People with a Leonian horoscope need plenty of love and attention. They can feel hurt if they are ignored, or if someone else takes the credit for something they have done. They love to have an audience, and even a fairly shy, quiet Leo might secretly look to see if anyone is watching when he is doing something.
Leos like to create something which is uniquely theirs, something artistic or something exciting like a new invention, which everyone admires and which also brings pleasure to other people.

 Sagittarius -
November 23rd to December 22nd

 The centaur is an imaginary creature who is half horse and half man. In the stories of mythology he is full of adventure and will gallop to the ends of the earth just for the joy of finding something new. In his hands he carries a bow and arrow. He shoots his arrow at some distant goal, gallops off in pursuit, and when he finds his arrow shoots it again, always keeping on the move. Sagittarians generally love travelling, seeing new places and meeting new people. They are always ready for a new adventure and always ready to learn something new.
Sagittarius people need plenty of freedom, because they want to experience as much of life as they can. They are unhappy when tied down to a routine, and happiest when starting off on something new. Walking is a favourite Sagittarian pastime, and many excel at sports. Sagittarians also have restless, adventurous minds, and like to take up new studies. Many Sagittarians are keenly interested in philosophy and the world of ideas, and they also love to have a good time and are fun to be with.
Sagittarius has a lively and inquiring mind, and will always be asking questions about everything. Above all, they have great faith in themselves, and their special and unique gift is this ability to wish upon a lucky star and believe their dreams really will come true.

  Here is more check it!

Air Signs

The Horoscope - Air Signs

  Gemini -
May 22nd to June 22nd

 The twins are used to describe the sign of Gemini because typical Gemini people love to share ideas with someone else. The most important thing for a Gemini is communication. Gemini people are almost always curious about lots of different things. A person with strong Gemini influence in their horoscope usually enjoys being with other people, and loves to talk about the latest thing he is doing. People usually like their Gemini friends, because they have something interesting to share with everybody.
Many Gemini people are talented at writing, teaching and public speaking. Some are gifted dancers. Many of them work in the fields of radio, television and newspapers because they love to be around when news is being created. It is especially important for Gemini people to travel and meet new people.
Gemini people have a sparkling, changeable, light quality which makes them think of the light and refreshing breeze of a spring day.
Geminians feel good when they are right in the middle of exciting things and can tell their friends their own story of what happened. They can brighten up a whole room full of people, and teach them something new at the same time.

 Libra -
September 23rd to October 22nd

 When you use a pair of scales you must get exactly the right amount on each side to make them balance. If there is too much on one side, or too little on the other, the scales will tip.
Libra people seem to need equal amounts of everything in their lives to be happy. They need to keep a balance between work and play, and between their thoughts and their emotions. Sometimes they seem to have trouble making decisions, but this is because they must consider all sides of a question first. They are always striving for perfection and balance, and love beauty and harmony around them.
The most important thing for a Libra person is this idea of harmony. Libra people love to have people about them and to feel that they are appreciated. They usually get very interested in relationships early in life, because they need love and companionship. Lots of Libra people are artistic and appreciate beautiful things. Sometimes they are talented at music or singing, and often dress well. But they may also be good at mathematics and science, because there is a clear, logical quality to the way they think. Usually Libra people are well liked because they are charming and easy to get along with. When a Libra person argues or behaves badly, it is usually because he feels that something is unfair.
Libra feels when everything in their life seems to be harmonious and well-balanced, and when they have friends to go places or do things with.

 Aquarius -
January 22nd to February 20th

 The man who carries the pitcher of water freely shares his water with all those who are thirsty. This is a good symbol for people who have a horoscope with one or more planets in Aquarius, because they are generous in sharing their gifts with other people.
Aquarians are often humanitarians. This means that they are interested in people and will feel concern for people as a group. They believe that everyone is their friend, whether they are black or white, rich or poor, beautiful or ugly. Aquarius is a friendly sign.
Many Aquarians have excellent minds. They are very clever at science and are especially interested in anything which can help people. They are often fascinated by gadgets and inventions, and some Aquarians become great inventors themselves. Others may support political movements concerned with questions of freedom and justice. Aquarius people, are often not very emotional, because they are more interested in exchanging ideas and helping others.
Aquarius' special and unique gift is their tolerance and understanding of other people. They have the gift of being able to perceive what people really think and feel, no matter how they are dressed, or what walk of life they come from, and people feel they are their friend because they are truly interested in them. They can help people to make the best out of their own lives. 


The Horoscope - Earth Signs

  Earth Signs

 Taurus -
April 21st to May 21st

 The bull is used to describe the sign of Taurus because he usually is plodding and peaceful in his movements. He is deliberate and relaxed and enjoys his food.
A typical Taurus person likes comfort, and is willing to work hard for the things that make him happy. Like a bull he does not easily lose his temper, but when he does get angry it is best to stay out of his way!
The most important thing to Taurus is stability. Many with a horoscope dominated by Taurus people love beautiful things. They may also love the land, and be happiest in the country. Some Taurus people have fine voices and a talent for music, or they may be good at sculpture or woodwork. Others are practical and can be excellent accountants or bookkeepers. But sometimes Taurus people take a long time to decide what they are best at, because this is a patient sign and Taurus people are in no hurry.
Taurus people have a solid, reliable quality which reminds them of the earth itself. Their special gifts are their reliability, and their ability to bring peace and stability into other people's lives.

 Virgo -
August 23rd to September 22nd

 The symbol of Virgo the Maiden represents a cool, clear quality to the way that a typical Virgo person thinks.
Virgo people are usually very gentle and quiet, and love small animals and growing things. Many Virgos love to do detailed things and are talented at crafts like dressmaking. They will work hard to create something which is beautiful and useful at the same time. People born under the sign of Virgo are often happy to be alone, providing they know that they are needed and appreciated by others. In fact, the most important thing to people with a strong Virgo influence in their horoscope is service. They are always ready to help others, and are very sympathetic to their friend's problems. Often they are shy and sensitive, but deep down are generous with their love and their talents.
Virgo people need to feel that they are contributing something worthwhile to life. Their special gentleness and quietness is much needed in this world. 

 Capricorn -
December 23rd to January 21st

 The mountain goat is always climbing higher and higher toward the summit. He is sure-footed and never falls, and knows where he is going. Other animals cannot catch him because he simply climbs higher and looks out over the world from a safe and secure place on the mountain top.
Capricorns are the type of people who have a goal towards which they will work hard and long. They usually have plenty of self-discipline and are successful in what they do.
The most important thing to a Capricorn is achievement. He will tend to take life seriously, and it is important for him to be good at something. He needs to feel that he has a skill, something he can do better than anyone else. Capricorn people are hard workers and many of them make excellent teachers, lawyers and statesmen. They are also quiet and diplomatic and know how to be subtle and tactful in their dealings with others. It may take a long time for you to get to know a Capricorn person, because he is often serious and shy by nature.
Work is very important to people with a Capricornian horoscope. Family life is equally important, and they may have a love of history and tradition. Their special and unique gift is their inner determination to succeed at what they want in life, and that means they probably will.


Water Signs

The Horoscope - Water Signs

 Cancer -
June 23rd to July 22nd

 The crab carries its own house with it. It will also move sideways instead of in a straight line, and although a crab cannot really hurt you with its claws, it can hang on very tightly to something it wants.
A typical Cancer person is home-loving and fond of his family. At the same time he is often quite subtle in his behaviour and may approach people and situations indirectly if he cannot get what he wants by going straight forward. And when he loves someone or has something which makes him happy, he will hang on very tightly and not let go.
Cancer people want to be needed, and it is important to them to be around people who love them and help them to feel secure. They are also often shy and sensitive, but they can be brave and courageous about protecting their friends and loved ones. Many Cancer people also have wonderful imaginations, and can create fine stories and paintings.
Cancer people have a deep, mysterious, gentle quality which makes them think of gazing into a cool, deep pool or into the flowing waters of a river.
People with a dominance of Cancer in their horoscope feel good when they are close to their family and feel safe and secure in a warm, happy home.

 Scorpio -
Oktober 23rd to November 22nd

 The scorpion is a solitary little animal which likes to hide under stones. He can be dangerous, but he is never aggressive by himself and will only harm someone if he is disturbed. The scorpion is a good symbol to represent those born under this sign because Scorpio people usually need plenty of time by themselves to think deeply about things they feel.
Scorpio people are sometimes very quiet, shy and sensitive and like to keep secrets. They can feel things very intensely. Scorpio people are also often very good at seeing the good and bad points in other people. The most important thing for Scorpio is self-understanding. They are not afraid to try things other people are frightened of, if it will help them to learn more about themselves. At the same time, they do not like to be taken advantage of or injured, and many Scorpio people have a very strong sense of justice. This can make life difficult for Scorpio children if they think they are being unfairly punished. Scorpio children are often much wiser and more understanding than other children, so they should always be given reasons when they are told to do something.
Many Scorpio people are good at things which require deep thought and understanding, like psychology. Some of them become fine doctors and surgeons, because they are interested in the mysteries of life and like to heal.
Scorpio's special gifts are their insight and sensitivity, and their strength of will, which can achieve anything in life.

 Pisces -
February 21st to March 19th

 Life under the sea is very different from life on land, and the fishes live in a world where there are many secret and hidden things, mysteries and strange beauties. They are also graceful creatures who swim and glide through the gentle currents of water.
Pisces in the horoscope often shows people who seem to flow through life in a graceful way. They love music and poetry and frequently daydream. They often have a private inner world which is a very special and precious place to them, but they can be deeply compassionate towards other people who are unhappy.
Other people sometimes find Pisces hard to understand, because they feel so deeply and see many things in life which they cannot share with more practical types. They love the magic and mystery of the ocean, and wild, unspoilt scenery. They often need to be on their own, but always return to the company of others, for they are happiest when they have someone or something to be devoted to. There is a great deal of love in Pisces people. Many Pisces people become writers, artists and musicians. In addition, Pisces people are often deeply religious.