söndag 28 juli 2013


Celtic Animals Signs 
The Lunar Celtic Animal Zodiac

Celtic Signs - Celtic Animal Zodiac


Celtic Animal Zodiac Meanings

This page on Celtic animal signs is an extension of the Celtic tree astrology section. I've selected each Celtic sign according to their prominence and affiliation with the full moonwithin each segment of the Celtic (lunar) year.

The Celts honored the rhythms of Nature, and observed different flavors of their environment according to the season. Like our Native American kin, the full moon in each month held a special personality. To know more clearly what I mean by this, (check out this page devoted to Native American full moons and their personalities).

I cannot say the ancient Celts designated zodiac totem animals according to the time and day of a kinsman/kinswoman's birth. However, I can attest the Celts were undeniably bound to the animal world.

There seems to be no separation between Celtic-kind and animal-kind.

Cast your mind back to the time of the Celts, and observe: Their breath united with the breathing forests. Their eyes blink with the flittering feathers from their bird kin. Their hearts beat in rhythm with the wild beasts of the wood.

Indeed, no distinction between man and nature is made in Celtic ideology. Just as all prime people know, there is no delineation. There is only one.

In that energetic spirit of oneness, I invite you connect with your own lunar Celtic animal sign. Explore the possibilities your lunar totems have for you. Further, explore all the animal personalities in the Celtic year. Doing this might expand your awareness about the people around you, the animals we resonate with, and the glory of our universe.

I hope you enjoy these perspectives on Celtic animal signs as much as I did while writing them.

Click on the pictures or links for each sign to learn more about each Celtic animal sign.

Celtic Animal Zodiac and Sign Meanings


Celtic Animal Sign StagStag/Deer
December 24 - January 20

The stag Celtic animal sign has high ideals and aspirations. If you want to start a new project, get a Stag sign to help you. They will not be deterred from their vision. They are thorough, patient and their persistence insures their triumphs. When others have long given up, Stags buck their way past boundaries. They are proud, and rightfully so - they hold themselves in a regal way. They are naturally noble, like they came from royalty. This is not to say Stags feel entitled. Far from it. They believe in righteous hard work, and their integrity is their trademark. You might also want to read my page on stag meanings for tattoo ideas here.


Celtic Animal Sign CatCat
January 21 - February 17

Quick minded, and even quicker wit, the cat of the Celtic year packs a pounce in the realm of intellect. This Celtic animal sign has impeccable reasoning abilities, but moreover they have a knack for seeing the underside of things, a "sixth mental sense" if you will. They have unorthodox vision, and should be called upon when fresh new perspectives are needed in a project. They also have a kind, humanitarian quality that makes them lovable. Although sometimes they can appear aloof because they like to be on the fringe, always observing. Nevertheless, they have the best intentions at heart. Cats are also very creative, and need an artistic outlet to express themselves.


Celtic Animal Sign SnakeAdder/Snake
February 18 - March 17

The Celtic animal sign of the snake has a cool exterior but are infinitely lively. They are curious and are always full of questions about how the world works, and how the people around them work (even if they aren't openly asking, you can bet they're figuring out theanswers in their own mind). Snakes are natural communicators, and they can be hugely persuasive. If they are passionate about a cause they can round up the whole neighborhood with their zeal and enthusiasm for their purpose. Snakes can be spontaneous and unpredictable too. And although they're pretty flexible, they like things to go their way (who doesn't?), and will prove to be uncooperative if pushed in a corner.


Celtic Animal Sign FoxFox
March 18 - April 14

The fox sign is amazingly cunning and knows how to work a room with sly, sexy humor. Full of guile, vigor and bright intelligence the fox is an untamable force. This Celtic animal sign is the one to take with you on exotic vacations, they will wind your ways into amazing adventures. They have a knack for story telling, and every experience is fodder for their tales. They are tender-hearted, although they don't show that soft side too often because they're too busy playing and cracking jokes. However, they aren't shy about showing their loyalty; if you are the friend of the fox, you have a friend for life. Highly energetic and courageous, the fox has an indomitable spirit.


Celtic Animal Sign BullCow/Bull 
April 15 - May 12
Strong, loving, stable and sure are the watchwords for the bulls of the Celtic lunar year. Cows/bulls are the ones you turn to when you need a shoulder to cry on, honest opinions and solid advice (particularly in relationships). These Celtic animal signs have bullseye intuition and can spot a liar from a mile away. Because they're highly intuitive, they can be misunderstood as moody or over emotional. They also come by stubborness honestly. They have excellent taste, and have a flair for classy elegance in fashion and home décor. These signs are as trustworthy as the day is long, and know how to keep a secret.


Celtic Animal Sign Seahorse
May 13 - June 9
The Celtic animal sign of seahorse is vastly flexible and resourceful. The seahorse is the person you want managing your finances or handling your legal matters because these people are infinitely clever (if there's a loophole, they've either found it or invented it). They also have amazing memory retention. They are sometimes hard to follow because they're minds are so sharp. They can also be changeable, but they always come back around to a level of high charisma. These people are astoundingly versatile and adapt remarkably well in any environment.Seahorses are so loveable too. Even better, they love being adored, and easily reciprocate affection.


Celtic Animal Sign WrenWren
June 10 - July 7

The wren Celtic animal sign is associated with freshness, and opening to new insights, and sunnier dispositions. They are natural care givers and will sign sweet melodies to cheer their friends and family. They remain calm in the midst of stormy weather. You want to have these people with you if you find yourself in a crisis; they are resourceful and stay cool under pressure. Wrens are self-motivated (they knowhow to get what they want) and work best in solo situations. They are also have a high sense of responsibility and moral integrity. They seek balance in their lives by being leaders at work on in the community, but secretly they would rather be traveling abroad living a life of a gypsy (this however, is often against their better judgment).


Celtic Animal Sign HorseHorse 
July 8 - August 4

Exuberant, expansive and powerful, the Celtic animal sign of the horse will give you a run foryour money. Naturally competitive, and rightfully so. The horse has loads of talent, and enough confidence to go ‘round, particularly in business matters. They have a sixth sense when it comes to strategy and navigation (these signs have an uncanny internal compass). They are gregarious, and openly charming (even flirty). They make grand appearances, and know how to carry themselves with style and authority. They do well in leadership positions, but they are just as happy to be the helpers of the clan (as long as they are given adequate recognition for their talents and contributions). Potentially headstrong, they are also valiant in times of adversity.


Celtic Animal Sign FishFish/Salmon 
August 5 - September 1

Salmon signs dive deep in their inner waters for inspiration, bright visions and dreamy perspective. They are naturally intuitive but they don't make a big deal out of it. These people have a unique view of the world which makes them some of the community's best artists, poets and visionaries. Some times they dive way too deep for the rest of us, and some just can't follow where they swim. But that's okay, the fish sign needs that kind of depth, isolation and introspection because when they come back up for air, the world is awed by their brilliance and insight.


Celtic Animal Sign SwanSwan 
September 2 - September 29

Spiritually evolved, and eloquent in expressing themselves, the swan swims in a class of their own. They have high standards, infinitely discriminating tastes and they have a keen eye for beauty (even when others cannot see it). Very refined and noble, sometimes the swan is mistaken as detached. This however, is not the case. The swan is a lover, and can prove to be quite passionate in relationships. That "coolness" comes from the swan's understanding of composure. They're natural aristocrats. They can be exacting in details, and have specific ideas about how things should be done. If you want someone who is perceptive, organized and extremely tasteful, get a swan's perspective.


Celtic Animal Sign ButterflyButterfly 
September 30 - October 27

This Celtic animal sign lives up to the adage "social butterfly." Flitting from friend to friend in parties, and always in contact with loved ones (they're the ones always on the phone, or texting). They can't help it. Butterflies are gentle souls who can't be tied down for very long. They love to dream, express new ideas and talk about high- falutin plans with all their friends. These are the people who brighten up any dark day with their cheer and magnetically bright personalities. They are naturally empathetic, and would never intentionally harm anyone. Rather, they make easy friends, and like to see others uplifted. Butterflies bring a sense of wonder and youth to our world. Keep these people around you to remind you of how truly good life can be.


Celtic Animal Sign WolfWolf/Hound 
October 28 - November 24

Wolves have a strong sense of purpose, and will go to great lengths to see their point is made, and fully understood. This Celtic animal sign is fearless, brave and they rarely compromise. These are the hero's you want by your side in the heat of battle. They will not back down, and they will take no quarter. Others marvel at their inner fortitude. Where do they find the energy and wherewithal to keep going? They thrive on challenge, that's what gives them their stamina. They have impeccable character, and "honor" is their middle name. They are strong willed, and sometimes live up to the "lone wolf" label. Nevertheless, you always know where you stand with them, and they will unite with you as long as you share their cause.


Celtic Animal Symbol FalconFalcon/Hawk
November 25 - December 23

Seldom do we see more focus in the Celtic animal signs than that of the hawk. When these signs see something they want, they go after it with a force that is remarkable. If, however, they aren't interested in a project, they will fly off to other more interesting prospects. They care deeply for wisdom, and often focus on sharing that knowledge with others. They can be very philanthropic and generous. Hawks have a keen sense of balance, and they navigate through life with an internal "true north" that creates an uncanny integrity within them. They are open minded and philosophical. Although they entertain all manner of hypotheses, they are strongly opinionated (that inner "true north" thing). That is not to say they cannot be persuaded.

I hope enjoyed this page on Celtic Animal signs of the Celtic zodiac but don't stop here. Continue browsing through more in-site pages related to Celtic animals, Celtic zodiacs, Celtic symbols and more. Just click on the links at the end of this page. Thanks for reading, and have fun exploring!

click links below for symbolic meanings.
  • Microsoft Excel
  • How to make money
  • Your Money


Pharaoh's Egyptian Zodiac Signs

THOTH (AUG 29 - SEP 27)

Thoth is the god of wisdom and learning. Those born under this sign have capable mental capacities for critical thinking and problem solving. They are however a bit impatient.

HORUS (SEP 28 - OCT 27)

Horus is the god of the sky. Those born under this sign are courageous risk-takers. They are go-getters and are self-motivated. They are however stubborn and sometimes impractical.

WADGET (OCT 28 - NOV 26)

Wadget is the goddess of the royal cobra. Those born under this sign are rational, cautious, conscientious, opinionated, and have a tendency towards pessimism and suspicion.


Sekhmet is the goddess of war. Those born under this sign are optimistic and imaginative. They have a wide range of interests and skill and are resilient. But they can have a hot temper.

SPHINX (DEC 27 - JAN 25)

Sphinx is the guardian. Those born under this sign are sensible, adaptable and highly disciplined individuals. They are usually serious underneath a light-hearted exterior.

SHU (JAN 26 - FEB 24)

Shu is the god of air. Those born under this sign are creative and conscientious. While they are usually successful, they are always afraid of failure which makes them hesitant.

ISIS (FEB 25 - MAR 26)

Isis is the goddess of discipline. Those born under this sign are straightforward, confident and idealistic. They do however get lost in thought often.

OSIRIS (MAR 27 - APR 25)

Osiris is the god of the underworld. Those born under this sign are full of emotional paradox and are misunderstood by others because of it. They are enterprising but shy away from responsibility.

AMUN (APR 26 - MAY 25)

Amun is the god of creation. Those born under this sign are strong-willed, brave and wise. They make good leaders but can be quite intolerant.

HATHOR (MAY 26 - JUN 24)

Hathor is the goddess of love. Those born under this sign are emotional, expressive and charming. They are however prone to extreme emotional highs and lows.


Phoenix is the bird of life and resurrection. Those born under this sign represent possibility, they are optimistic and flexible. This can cause them to be dreamy and introverted.

ANUBIS (JUL 25 - AUG 28)

Anubis is the guardian of the underworld. Those born under this sign are self-confident and have a great ability for control and determination. They are very steady.

- See more at: http://www.experience-ancient-egypt.com/egyptian-zodiac-signs.html#sthash.VQKCT6rQ.dpuf

lördag 27 juli 2013

Dark circles@

10 Simple Home Remedies to Diminish Dark Circles and Puffy 

The presence of dark circles under your eyes can make you look tired and older. Don’t look tired even if you feel it!   Reducing the dark circles under your eyes can often be achieved with a few  simple home remedies:

1. Get your beauty sleep!  Get plenty of sleep each night.

2. Drink 8-10 glasses of water per day. Yet another benefit of that daily chug of  the high quality h20 is dark circle reduction.

3. Wrap a bag of frozen vegetables in a thin towel and place it over your eyes for 10 minutes. It not only de-puffs, it rejuvenates and feels great!

4. Eat well. Eat a healthy balanced diet. Don’t forget to take your vitamins daily

5. Cucumber slices have long been used to reduce puffiness and refresh the appearance of skin around the eyes, providing a fast “pick-me-up” for tired and puffy eyes. Just a couple of ice cold slices on your eyes will help reduce puffiness and tighten and tone the under eye area.

6. Chamomile tea bags. Soak some chamomile tea bags in hot water, then rinse in cool water to create an eye-pack. Just putting these on your eyes for about 20 minutes will help reduce puffiness and can help diminish dark circles quickly, since chamomile has anti-inflammatory properties.

7. Use a frozen spoon. Put a spoon in the freezer for 10-15 minutes. Take it out and cover the circles with it. Hold it there until the spoon is warm again.

8. Lie down, close your eyes and apply potato slices to your lids. Leave on for ten minutes and remove. Wash the area with cold water. This soothes tired eyes instantly, and helps boost blood circulation in the under-eye area.

9. Drink a Gatorade or sports drink with electrolytes , which helps to deflate puffs.

10. Dip a washcloth in a bowl of cool caffeinated coffee. Apply to area and leave on for ten minutes.  Caffeine is a diuretic, which means it draws water away.

High salt intake, Alcohol and drugs can adversely affect the quality of your sleep. Abstain from these products or use them only in moderation for best results.

Let us hear what home remedies you use to dimiminish

Tracey Evelyn Reed is a visual brand specialist with over 15 years experience in the beauty industry. As an accomplished wardrobe stylist and make-up artist, she’s also a licensed esthetician.  Her company, Tracey Evelyn Beautiful You, provides customized skin-care programs, make-up lessons, eyelash extensions, wardrobe consulting and personal shopping services. Tracey specializes in helping women reinvent their style and take their look to the next level.

måndag 22 juli 2013


25 Votes

Name: 2ne1

Label: YG Entertainment

Genre: K-Pop, R&B, Hip-Hop, Electronica, Dance

Year Debuted: 2009- Present

Fanclub: Black Jacks

Fan Color: Hot Pink

Sites: http://www.yg-2ne1.com/

The Members…


 Basic Bio:

Name: Park Bom

Position: Lead Vocalist

Birthdate: March 24, 1984

Bloodtype: AB

Height: 165 cm.

Our Comments:

Park Bom is an alien. There will never be someone crazier or stranger than Bom. The term “8-D” was created on her behalf. 4-D just wasn’t good enough.

She’s an idiot in an adorable way. She may not be the brightest star, but she is definitely the prettiest. Her weird personality is her charm and it’s what makes her unique and cuter than normal girls. Her obsessions with bread, corn and herself are just some of the things that make her the BOMb.

Her stupidity makes her appear very naive and innocent. She never thinks about what she says, no matter how inappropriate it may be, until YG or another idol scolds her for being an airhead. However, it’s her silliness and gorgeous voice that make Park Bom out of this world.

P & B Scale

Appearance: 9.6

Park Bom is gorgeous but not in a traditional sense. Her huge eyes, cute smile and flawless face make her look like an overgrown cartoon little girl. It’s hard to believe she’s near her 30s. While her face is cute and innocent, her body is perfect enough to land her on “Korea’s Sexiest Idols”. Bom has the best legs the world has ever seen. Flawless and airbrushed-esque all the time, they are perfect. She is not ridiculously skinny, contrary to the figure of many female idols today, but maintains her curves. Her attire always consists of tiny, body hugging mini-dresses that compliment her hot body.

Talent: 9.4 SC

Bom is one of the best female singers in the K-Pop industry. Her voice is mind-shatteringly amazing. Powerful and strong, she literally belts out her notes and leaves an astonishing impression. Bom’s extensive range and depth make her voice different from typical high female voices. There is only one thing Bom is lacking, and that is flawless control. With a great voice comes great responsibility. Once she learns to perfectly control her voice, she will be the best.

Personality: 10

Bom has a crazy personality. This girl is strange; enough for 2ne1 to label her as “insane”. Her alien aegyo is not cute like human aegyo but instead hilarious. Bom can make anyone laugh, whether it’s because of her randomness, or at her idiotic naivety. It’s her otherworldly charm that has so many men falling for her “interesting” nature.

Total 9.6


 Basic Bio:

Name: Sandara Park

Stage Name: Dara

Position: Sub-Vocals

Birthdate: November 12, 1984

Bloodtype: A

Height: 162 cm.

Our Comments:

Dara is the perfect mixture of the girl next door and a Goddess. Her cute and funny personality make her lovable, whereas her caring and selfless nature make her beautiful, inside and out.

She holds 2ne1, her family,and her fans all dear to her heart. Dara is the idol that always makes sure to thank her fans, always making sure Blackjacks get what they deserve.

Dara is one of the hardest workers in the Entertainment world. She works hard to be on top, constantly practicing and improving herself for her fans.

She is the trend setter of 2ne1. No one can rock crazy hairstyles like Dara, while still lookingattractive. She is known for her bold fashion and always surprises netizens with something new.

P & B Scale

Appearance: 9.7

Dara is flawless and defines beautiful. Her common dorky facial expressions make her cuter than anything, but behind the funny face is radiating beauty. True, Dara may not have any “astounding” qualities like huge eyes, fantastic legs, etc; but it’s her simplistic beauty that makes her so good-looking.

Talent: 4.9

Dara fulfills her requirements as a member of 2ne1. She may not be a natural dancer, MC or singer, but when the moment calls for it, she does it exceptionally well. She follows her choreography satisfactorily and often does the most talking for 2ne1 when guesting on radio or variety shows. However, what we’d really like Dara to work on is her singing. It’s a well known fact: Dara’s singing is not awful, quite the contrary, it is soft and refreshing. However, it’spainfully soft. During lives, don’t be surprised if you can’t hear herDara, you have a pretty voice, so sing with confidence!

Personality: 9.6

Adorable. She’s incredibly optimistic, always bright and shining. She’s dorky and playful, exaggerating the smallest of events. Dara has one of those hearts that you know is capable of loving the entire world.

Total: 8.06


 Basic Bio:

Name: Lee Chaerin

Stage Name: CL

Position: Leader, Lead Rapper

Birthdate: February 26, 1991

Bloodtype: A

Height: 162 cm.

Our Comments:

Who is the baddest female Seoul has ever seen?

CL is nothing short of amazing. Her fashion is jaw-dropping. Her appearance is breathtaking. Her skills are unmatched. There is no one else in this world like Lee Chaerin.

CL, sadly, has more testosterone than most male idol groups. One music video is all it will really take for you to experience the fierce badass that is CL. A lot of people find CL too scary and threatening.  But sorry, you should be terrified of her.

Despite CL being some talent prodigy, the real Lee Chaerin is sweeter than candy. She is kind to her seniors, and beloved by all who know her. She looks after 2ne1 despite being one of the youngest, and takes on the huge responsibility as 2ne1′s leader seriously.

Just adorable.

P & B Scale

Appearance: 9.5

CL is jaw-dropping. She is pretty and feminine (is this rare? yes) when she needs to be, and badass the rest of the time. Her aura makes you want to respect and admire her. Her stage presence and charisma are amazing. You know when CL’s on stage. You can feel the fierceness with one glance. She’s just someone you don’t want to mess with.

Even with her unapproachable looks, she’s undeniably pretty. How many girls do you know that could pull off half the things CL can, and still manage to look beautiful?

Talent: 9.9 SC

Perfect. CL’s rapping is spectacular. She has the rhythm, flow and speed of a good rapper. Her dripping charisma makes her rapping all the more better. CL is on the same level, and even better, than most of the best male idol rappers. Because Lee Chaerin breaks boundaries. This girl was meant for change.

Personality: 8.8

CL has a fantastic personality. She is a professional, and extremely mature as 2NE1′s leader. However, when she doesn’t have to be as venomous, her adorableness shines. She uses her aegyo as it should be, and has a surprisingly naturally cute personality. It’s hard to hate her when you realize what an absolute sweetheart she is. She’s extremely grateful for her fans and you can always feel her sincerity.

Total: 9.4


 Basic Bio:

Name: Gong Minji

Stage Name: Minzy

Position: Main Dancer, Maknae

Birthdate: January 18, 1994

Bloodtype: O

Height: 161 cm.

Our Comments:

Minji is 2ne1′s adorable, sexy dance-machine maknae. She loves 2ne1 just as much as they love her back. Contrary to most Group-Maknae relationships, 2ne1 doesn’t really bully Minji. They respect her as an equal, and Minzy seems to really enjoy that. When 2ne1 has suggestions for her, she recieves them well and is sure to take them into consideration.

She would do anything for 2ne1, but seems to have a particular liking for being 2ne1′s personal body guard: killing any guy that breaks their hearts.

Minji is a great sport, laughing off any teasing, and adorably spazzing when 2ne1 shares embarrassing things about her. She is YG’s baby. Minji has achieved lots as a teenager, and can only move forward from here.

P & B Scale

Appearance: 9.1

Minzy looks like a child. Maybe because she is one? We all know she loves being sexy, but without all the make-up and flashy clothes, she looks so young. Her skin is great, as a child’s should be, still smooth and firm. Her eyes are huge. And her lips are the best in 2ne1; pouty and plush. Her smile just makes you want to go “Aww”. And her body is great, not too skinny at all, but blessed with curves.

Talent: 9.4 SC

Minji is a spectacular dancer. From what’s offered in the Korean Idol World, she is definitely one of the best, especially for her age. Dancing is after all, what got her into YG. And it’s no joke amazing. The reason we wont give her a perfect 10 however, is simply because, there’s always room for improvement. We are not saying sheneeds it, simply that we all know she has definitely improved from back when she was a tiny 14-year old. Inevitably, she’s going to continue growing her abilities, and when she has reached total immortality, we will be the first to call it perfection.

Our only complaint would be that we don’t see much of her freestyle dancing as we want to. And for those of you that complain about her dancing not being age appropriate, let us just say that real dancing is a form of expression.

This means Minji can express herself any way she wants to.

Personality: 7.8

Adorable, effortless personality. She is cute; however, not in the aegyo way. In the cute, “baby” kind of way. Minji may be 17 (or 18 Korean-years wise), but she has this “baby of the family” image. She is the baby of her company after all, and no matter how old she gets, this is something that won’t ever change.

Minji has a very “tomboy” personality. She is the little boy of 2ne1, however, Minji has adorably explained she has her moments where she wants to be feminine. Though Minji is far from innocent, and always worries her members when she goes out alone, the real Minji is a softy.

Total: 8.7

Overall 2ne1: 8.9

When most entertainment agencies claim an upcoming girl group to be the “female” version of their already successful boy-group, usually, the new group is not up to par. 2ne1 is the perfect example of a group that is successful at being the female version of their labelmate male group. Never was there a better match than 2ne1 and Big Bang. Rather than being an exact, lame copy, 2ne1 complements Big Bang, while still sparkling themselves.

They are the true men in K-Pop. 2PM is probably the only group with more testosterone than 2ne1, and that just may as well be it. They’ve proved to be much more than just any rookie group, and have accomplished unbelievable things in only 2 years. These girls were destined to break records.

What really makes 2ne1 so great though, is their inspiring message. Unlike the majority of girl groups, 2ne1 doesn’t care about catering to men, but instead attempts to reach female audiences to empower them. 2ne1 is powerful and independent, and you can really feel how much they want to transfer this attitude to their fans. They prove they don’t have to be cutesy, weak or fragile to be attractive as a female idol group to the masses. Because CL, Bom, Minji, and Dara are so much more than that.

They’re billion dollar babies. 

♥ P&B