onsdag 5 mars 2014


Study is fun if you do it in the right way, do things that you love.
Eat candy when you study, litsen to music, wear makeup if you like it.
Work out an hour before you start study, it will make up happy and postive and study more.
Edcation is wisedom and an opportunities will open the door for you.
Dont you stopp believe in yourself, you are the eagle of your life and no one can stopp you from dreaming.
Love yourself its will make the environment around you peaceful and beautiful.
People who bully hate themself, they have low confident and self-esteem, they are sad and empty.
Be yourself because its cool and you will be alot happier.
Dont be overly nice our overly mean find a balance.
Happiens comes when you approchate the things you have.
Dont love yourself for who you are.
IF want to be a teacher and a famouse writter dont stopp believe, take charge and fight for your dream, a life without dreams is empty, our dreams keep ous alive.
Normal is boring, do what ever you like, people can talk shit all night long and you will laught your ass off.
We people are alot stronger than we think we are, we just make things hard for ourselves.
People in history never stopped believe, thanks to them i wouldnt stand on my feet today.
Their is no bad and good people that matter is which side we chose.
Thanks for reading