fredag 26 april 2013

Celebrities birth chart

Keira Knightley chart

Keira Knightley 
(Note: This chart
has been corrected)
Born Keira Christina Knightley
Mar.22, 1985, time unknown
Teddington, Middlesex
England 0W20 51N26
Noon Positions UT

Sun in Aries 1°49'
Moon in Aries 12°46'
Sagittarius rising
Mercury in Aries 18°19'
Venus in Aries 20°44'R
Mars in Taurus 5°17'
Jupiter in Aquarius 9°15'
Saturn in Scorpio 27°56'
Uranus in Sagittarius 17°59'
Neptune in Capricorn 3°34'
Pluto in Scorpio 4°12'
Eris in Aries 15°33'
English actress

Films include: Princess of Thieves(2001), Bend it Like Beckham(2002), Pirates of the Carribean: The Curse of the Black Pearl(2003), King Arthur(2004), Domino(2005), and Pride and Predjudice(2005)
Attractive Keira Knightly has Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Venus in Aries making her very typical of her sign. She is a fiery, confident, and energetic spirit who loves life and challenge and adventure. She is also quick, temperamental, and highly independant. Mars, the ruler, is in Taurus giving some kind of anchor and stability to all those fiery emotions. This Mars is very earthy and sensual and excels in all financial or artistic activities. Many have stong singing voices. Jupiter in Aquarius is a special position for Aries giving much ingenuity, independance, and uniqueness. They have much faith in mankind and a huge respect for truth and freedom. They are also funny, strange, inventive, and attract a lot of friends -most of whom are very lucky for them. Saturn in Scorpio knows how to keep the emotions or passions under control and makes an excellent researcher or investigator. Uranus in Sagittarius has unconventional ideas about religion, faith, or spirituality. These people cannot be restrained and need to be free to travel and explore to their heart's content. Neptune also in Sagittarius, is a generation of spiritual mystics and explorers who desire union with the divine. Pluto in Scorpio people are deeply emotional or intense and have a natural understanding of death, regeneration, and other occult principles.
Alicia Keys chart
Alicia Keys
Born: Alicia Augello-Cook
Jan. 25, 1981, time unknown
(some sources give 1980)
Manhattan, New York, USA
73W59 40N46
Noon Positions EST

Sun in Aquarius 5°39'
Moon in Libra 8°42'
Taurus rising
Mercury in Aquarius 21°39'
Venus in Capricorn 18°03'
Mars in Aquarius 20°19'
Jupiter in Libra 10°23'R
Saturn in Libra 9°44'R
Uranus in Scorpio 29°27'
Neptune in Sagittarius 23°53'
Pluto in Libra 24°21'
Eris in Aries 14°09'

LR vote: Taurus rising
With Sun, Mercury, and Mars in Aquarius, Alicia Keys moves to her own drum beat. Aquarian Suns are very bright, sensitive, unique, determined, and lovers of truth and freedom. Although friendly and easygoing, they require their own space and time to concentrate on what they really consider important -to contribute in some important way to the benefit or advancement of humanity as a whole. Mercury in Aquarius is ingenious and unique with a desire to communicate that which is true, different, or unusual. They are high-minded altruists who like to see the best in everyone. Mars in Aquarius puts to action the qualities of the Sun and Mercury and fights for friends, causes, truth, and freedom. They are rebellious and often accident-prone. Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius, is in Scorpio, giving this water-bearer a strong curiosity about the dark or taboo subjects of life such as sex, death, ufo's and the paranormal. They will investigate or explore such subjects often crossing traditional or conventional boundaries and uncovering new or unusual information. Moon in Libra has a keen sense of beauty and harmony and needs constant company to feel safe or secure. They make natural artists, singers, or decorators. Jupiter and Saturn conjunct the Moon give much enduring popularity with the public. Venus in Capricorn is serious and level-headed and appreciates discipline or control as well as productive and long-lasting relationships. Jupiter in Libra opens doors to the arts and music and all relations or beauty fields. They are eminently just or fair and gain or profit from most relationships or partnerships. Jupiter conjunct Saturn knows when to expand or hold back and is a good business aspect. Saturn in Libra is the master mediator or relations expert. They make very fine artists, sculptors, designers, or musicians, and usually have very fine hair, beautiful skin, and finely chiseled bone features. Neptune in Sagittarius people are very open and curious and want to know all the answers to spiritual questions. Pluto in Libra people go through very heavy or intense relationships which can change them quite dramatically.
Angelina Jolie chart
Angelina Jolie
Angelina Jolie Voight
Jun.4, 1975(usual time given is
9:09 AM or 29°Cancer rising)
Los Angeles, California
118W15 34N03
Noon Positions PDT

Sun in Gemini 13°32'
Moon in Aries 14°31'

Sagittarius rising
Mercury in Gemini 22°16'R
Venus in Cancer 28°17'
Mars in Aries 10°48'
Jupiter in Aries 17°27'
Saturn in Cancer 17°25'
Uranus in Libra 28°48'R
Neptune in Sagittarius 10°20'R
Pluto in Libra 6°30'R
Eris in Aries 13°54'

LR vote: Sagittarius rising
Angelina Jolie exhibits the classic physical features of Sagittarius rising with her svelte figure, greenish eyes, and beautiful brunette look. Sun in Gemini is proud of her mind and ability to communicate. Mercury in Gemini is strong in its own sign endowing a clever, witty, and versatile mentality. These people are youthful, humorous, adaptable, and changeable. Moon in Aries needs action and challenge on a daily basis. Mars in Aries is strong in its own sign giving inexhaustable energy, drive, and courage. Jupiter in Aries is luckiest when taking the initiative and and acting on one's faith or hunches. Venus in Cancer gives a love of home, security, and sentiment, and Saturn in Cancer gives her strong domestic and survival instincts. Uranus in Libra is attractive, intelligent, artistic, and a genius with people and relationships. Neptune in Sagittarius is her and her generation's fascination with travel, adventure, myth, religion, and exploration in general. Pluto in Libra gives her and her generation a desire for deep, intense, and meaningful relationships.
Michael Jackson chart

Michael Jackson
Born: Michael Joseph Jackson
Aug.29,1958 time uncertain
Gary, Indiana, USA
87W21 41N36
Noon positions CDT

Sun in Virgo 5°50'
Moon in Pisces 11°04'

Scorpio rising 
Mercury in Leo 25°33'R
Venus in Leo 16°41'
Mars in Taurus 21°54'
Jupiter in Libra 28°29'
Saturn in Sagittarius 19°09'
Uranus in Leo 13°29'
Neptune in Scorpio 2°34'
Pluto in Virgo 2°09'
Eris in Aries 9°34'R

With Sun conjunct Pluto in Virgo, great entertainer Michael Jackson was a very intense and exceptional individual who worked extremely hard and who continuously strived for perfection. Virgos are humble and shy people who live by example showing their love and appreciation through their works and services. Mercury, Michael's ruler, is in Leo, the sign of show and entertainment, and this is where he will express his core being and thoughts. Mercury here is proud, playful, creative, and very childlike. Venus and Uranus are also in Leo adding resolve, endurance, style, originality, genius, and excitement to his performances. Venus here wants the best and can be very lavish or spendthrift. They are also very generous, playful, affectionate, and possessive. Uranus in Leo breaks rules and records and sets new standards in entertainment. The Leo emphasis in Jackson's chart is also why he gets along with children so naturally. Moon in Pisces is very shy, sweet, and sensitive, as well as musical and artistic. It is a nice balance to the otherwise overly critical or exacting nature of Virgo. This Moon also produces natural singers and dancers and filmakers and photographers. Mars in Taurus is the earthy, sensual, and practical side of Michael. You can see this placement when he flares his nostrils -just like a bull! This placement also gives Michael his powerful voice and solid dance moves and his ability to both make and spend lots of money. Jupiter in Libra is a beautiful side of Michael -the perfect host, judge, mediator, and prince or companion. These people are very just or fair and do well as artists, musicians, lawyers, and partners of all kinds. They are very beauty-concious and like to dress fashionably and be that knight in shining armor. Saturn in Sagittarius is both the wild and spiritual side of Jackson. They suffer many moral hardships and go on to become master teachers and even preachers. They have a solid and enduring faith and see life as a series of spiritual lessons. They also make good sportsmen, hunters, explorers, adventurers, travelers, publishers, nature people, and animal caretakers. Uranus in Leo people are brilliantly creative actors and dramatists, see themselves as heroes of the people, and believe in free love and affection. Neptune in Scorpio is subtle, secretive, passionate, and intense, with a natural interest in the dark mysteries of life such as sex, death, and the paranormal. Pluto in Virgo is highly critical or analytical and goes to extremes in work, diet, health, and environmental issues. 
Megan Fox chart

Megan Fox
Born: Megan Denise Fox
May.16, 1986, time uncertain
Rockwood, Tennessee, USA
84W41 35N52
Noon Positions EDT

Sun in Taurus 25°29'
Moon in Leo 21°05'
Sagittarius rising
Mercury in Taurus 17°53'
Venus in Gemini 24°06'
Mars in Capricorn 19°59'
Jupiter in Pisces 18°02'
Saturn in Sagittarius 7°15'R
Uranus in Sagittarius 21°24'R
Neptune in Capricorn 5°25'R
Pluto in Scorpio 5°25'R
Eris in Aries 16°22'

Natalie Portman chart

Natalie Portman
Born Natalie Hershlag
Jun.9, 1981, time unknown
Jerusalem, Israel
35E14 31N46
Noon Positions EET

Sun in Gemini 18°28'
Moon in Virgo 17°44'

Sagittarius rising
Mercury in Cancer 5°13'

Venus in Cancer 5°04'
Mars in Gemini 2°59'
Jupiter in Libra 0°41'
Saturn in Libra 3°01'
Uranus in Scorpio 27°15'
Neptune in Sagittarius 23°37'
Pluto in Libra 21°40'

Nicki Minaj chart
Nicki Minaj
Dec.8, 1982, time unknown
Saint James, Port of Spain
Trinidad and Tobago
61W31 10N39
Noon AST Positions

Sun in Sagittarius 16°14'
Moon in Virgo 28°47'
Leo rising
Mercury in Sagittarius 26°38'
Venus in Sagittarius 24°45'
Mars in Capricorn 28°46'
Jupiter in Scorpio 26°22'
Saturn in Scorpio 0°56'
Uranus in Sagittarius 5°35'
Neptune in Sagittarius 26°22'
Pluto in Libra 28°40'
Eris in Aries 14°37'R

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