lördag 3 augusti 2013


Koreans severely fabricated their own history because they want to believe that they are superior to other nations such as China, Japan, and US. 

In fact, they had been just a slave country of China for more than 1000 years. Japan made Korea independent by winning China in 1985. Korea had almost nothing proud of. 

They want to hide those miserable facts. That's why they fabricate their own history by negatively emphasizing Japan's policies during the annexation period. 

While they teach their children only negative impacts of the annexation with made-up stories, Japan really helped Korean people enormously. 

Japan banned their Slavery system. It meant that Korean people got relieved from the very evil feudal system for the first time in their own long history. 

Until 1945, Korean was a part of Japan. That's why Japan really modernized it with huge money. Unlike colonies of Western countries, Korean people got high level standard of living. 

Atrocities, often mentioned by Korean people, by Japan during the annexation are based on a lot of hoaxes with evil bias. 

Japan strictly enforced legal actions according to law. Someone might have done some bad things. They were just crimes. Anyone either Japanese or Koreans in Korean peninsula at that time, who commit a crime, was taken care of equally based on the local law of Japan. 

The leaders of Korea in 1910, asked Japan to acquire Korea and the annexation had been completed according to the international law. 

After the Korean war between North and South, South Korea succeeded in rebuilding it up with huge money from Japan. 

Without Japan, the entire Korean peninsula would be under domination of Russia today. 

Korean government really wants to hide these facts, which would shocking to those who have believed Korean government. 

Nevertheless, facts are facts. 

Korean people, wake up hurry and face the facts as soon as possible. 

Most Japanese people are really kind and have a favorable policy to Korea so far. 
However, too many insulting activities by Korea is about to change Japan's policy itself. 

Realize the all facts and apologize to Japan, or Japan will never help Korea in future again. 

I know personally that there are many good Korean in that country. But as a whole nation, their mentality is disgusting. They have strong tendency to cook up their fake beauty points and to diminish others. It is too clear that in old ages Korea learned almost everything from China and recently Korea did from Japan. Is it so mortifying for them to admit they did? We never believe Korea originated Chinese letters, Confucianism, Kendo/Judo or Christian faith. I do not believe they have genetic defects as some Chinese or Japanese people insists, but I have to point it out that their nation must have underlying problems in education, mass communication media or maybe politics. Some one or nation must teach them once for their own future.
They are exceptionally arrogant.
Culturally they have a strict hierarchy between human relationships and this is the source of all problems they cause when they are in foreign countries.

For example, it's morally almost forbidden to apologize other people since admitting mistake is defeat and surrender, so instead, they start blaming other people even when they themselves make some mistakes.

Also, they are very often proud of their nations and culture and sometimes even looking down on other nations. It's only because they have been taught to behave so to make other people understand they are better than other people, but this behavior will provoke non-Korean people a lot.

Somehow I feel sorry about their poor education environment.
I really don't hate Korea (I'm still at confused stage per say... But, beginning to dislike Korea) after the Olympic incident. 
The hatred toward Japan & Japanese people are just overwhelming. Teaching the history and teaching the negative impression of the one particular country is two different thing, but it seems that the Korean people are mixing those two. Especially, Korean government is purposely leading their people to hate Japan & Japanese people... It's so sad to see the Korean elementary kids drawing the picture of burning Japanese flag, people walking over the Japanese flag, Japanese map over big cross (X) characters, etc posted on the wall of classroom... I was so shocked & couldn't believe it when I saw that photo on web,
They are too emotional in person, and think and act unsophiscticatedly in many ways. One of the reasons why they have this very unique characteristics is, their government and history of their country. Korea had been subject to China over thousand of years, then annexed to Japan. This means they were weakest country in the east asia region, and it was simply because their government was very poor both materially and in mind, their moral, education, standard of living, were all poor. This history makes Koreans emotional characteristic to have inferiority complex to foreign countries and cultures. Their education was pretty much improved under Japanese rule though. Even after the WW2 and the Korean War, their governments have been very poor. They say they are democratic country now, but it is actually not. Every time their government/president is changed, their ex-president are arrested/killed/or commit suicide, due to ex-president and their families and family companies corruption. Because their governments are poor, their debt as a county grows and they are the only developed country who is in insolvency. 

To hide their even shameful history and country financial status, their citizens are controlled and educated arbitrarily by their poor government. They are taught un-true and very unique country history based on fantasy. They are grown being imprinted hatred to their neighbor country Japan, even though their base to be a modern county(infrastructure, money) are given and built by Japan. 
They used to use Chinese character but not now, because their government wants to hide their true history to their citizens. 
If Koreans realize the truth of their history, it's quite likely that their government is overthrown. So Koreans are a victim of their governments and history in a sense.
The Joongang news in South Korea covered the news that South Korea was the number one most hated country in this "The Top TENS". 

Then all of a sudden is a couple of days Japan turns out to be the most hated country in the world. 
I personally think the reason of this sudden change is obvious. 

There is a survey announced by the UK BBC. 

In this poll by Globescan was based on the answers of about 24,000 people in 22 countries and conducted that Japan has most positive influence in the world. 
"Japan is seen as having the most positive influence in the world
Among all countries evaluated, and views have improved slightly since
2011. On average, in the 21 tracking countries surveyed, 58 per cent of
Respondents hold positive views of Japan’s influence (up from 56% in
2011), and 21 per cent hold negative views (up 1 point from 2011). This
Very favourable global picture is reflected in the picture by country:
Out of the 22 countries surveyed in 2012, 20 countries lean positive and
Only two lean negative (South Korea and China). "

The countries, that the poll says, have negative effect was number one Iran, and then Pakistan, North Korea, Israel, Russia, South Korea and so on. 
Both South and North Koreans have the same DNA. 
They have the same culture. 
They always lie. 
They always fabricate history. 
They torture lovely dogs until they die and eat them. 
They demand money for stupid reasons. 
They want to believe that they are superior to others, while they are far behind others. 

For example, while they think that they are superior to Japan, they have received just one Nobel Peace Prize. 

After 1945, Japan received 17 Nobel Prizes and three Fields Medals in Mathematics. 

Taiwan also received Nobel Prizes in the natural science fields. 

Taiwan, Korea and Japan were just one nation before 1945. 
Both Taiwan and Japan received many Nobel Prizes after 1945. 
Both Taiwan and Japan objectively recognize what they really are. 

Japan has in fact contributed to modernizing Taiwan and Korea, while only Taiwan has admitted the fact. 

Those who can't recognize facts will never receive a Nobel Prize or a Fields Medal forever. 

Korea has not recognized the fact that Japan really contributed to their growth. They always fabricate facts and do plagiarism. 

That's why they are far from great prizes such as Nobel Prize and Fields Medals. 


Korean textbooks slammed over errors, bias, boringness
By Nathan Schwartzman May 18, 2011 12:29PM UTC

Korean Scientist Said to Admit Fabrication in a Cloning Study
By NICHOLAS WADE Published: December 16, 2005

Plagiarism Imperiling South Korea's Academic Reputation
By Steve Herman June 05, 2012 

Don't trust Koreans! 
Atrocities of Japan, often mentioned by Koreans, are highly based on just hoaxes with evil bias. 

In fact, Japan aquired Korea in 1910. I know that many Korean people didn't want to do so. However, leaders ok Korea in 1910 officially asked Japan to do so and officially signed the treaty. 

Japan made Korea independent from China and relieved many citizens from the Slavery system. Believe it or not, until Japan won the China in 1895, In Korea, many citizens were treated as just slaves. 

Japan really contributed to modernization of Korea. 
Japan protected Korea from Russian pressure. 
Japan paid a lot of money for Korea to grow. 
Japan taught Korea a lot of advanced technologies. 

Why don't Koreans admit these facts? 
Koreans will never receive Nobel prizes (except for a peace prize) or Fields Medals forever unless they face the facts.
They seem to think they can attain a moral high ground by blaming Japanese sins in ww2. It is funny Not to see that they don't even bother to remember they were part of Japanese empire and willingly or unwillingly they helped Japanese. I think their argument can never be convincing as long as this perspective is included in their argument. In addition, Their mind is occupied by their version of history of the sad time of the history. Of course, They can choose to do so, but maybe it is more productive to frame it within a broader history. Before and after the war. I hear Korean population more than doubled during Japanese occupation. I don't know any other country doubled it's population within time of 35 years around that time. We tend to focus how many people were killed. I understand that. But this fact can be noted at the same time, if we consider human life is important to us. Also, it is UN's understanding that Korea was not a part of ally. So, it is not reasonable to ask for compensation. I don't thin UK compensated any country that has gain independence from BE. However, Japan paid about two to three years of Korean national budget worth money as economic aid in 1960s. And it was their, governments, agreement that this money conclude any form of claim from Korean side. Now, people in Korea claim that they were not paid by Japanese government, but legally, they need to ask Korean government who received money on behalf of them. That's what I see the half of cause of they dispute. And personally, advice for Koreans, it is not good idea to claim Japan has legal responsibility for what they did to Korea and its people, but you should claim that you don't like the part of your history and you don' like Japanese. Don't ask Japanese to do something for you, because you have no legal base to force them. But you can, by your own capacity, hate Japanese. How dose this sound?
Anti-Japan education is the Korean national commitment. They've ever made every efforts to make their citizens hate Japanese people. To that end, they think nothing of lying & fabricating history, and their people believe the fabricated history, and as a matter of course hate Japanese people. As long as they stop such a greatest hoax ever perpetrated on their history, Japan and South Korea are on a collision course with the War sometime in the near future for sure.
The world knows that South Koreans = North Koreans in DNA. 
They have the same culture to torture lovely dogs and eat them. 
They have the same cheating customs to demand money for stupid reasons. 
They love fabrications and plagiarisms from history to their faces. 
They always try to hide their real facts. 

While they claim that Korea has longer history(5000 yrs or more) than China, they had been just a slave country of China for more than 1000 years until Japan defeated China in 1895. 

Korean government has hidden the fact that Korea got independent from China according to the Shimonoseki Treaty between Japan and China in 1895. 
Thanks to Japan, Korea got independent from China for the first time in their history. 

While Korea claims that Japanese army invaded the peninsula for the annexation, they in fact didn't even fight against Japan. The leaders of Korea at that time asked Japan to acquire Korea into Japan. 

As a matter of fact, Japan never fought against Korea after 1895 and consistently helped the peninsula from Russian pressure. 

While they claim that Japan destroyed their culture, all citizens became able to go to school for the first time because they became Japanese citizens. 
They were taught both Hungle and Japanese language. The evidence is well shown in the following site. 
"Korean 10 lies" 

Koreans cannot receive Nobel Prize in science or Fields Medal in Mathematics. 

Japan got 20 Nobel prizes and 3 Fields Medals after 1945. 
Taiwan also got a Nobel Prize in science. 
Vietnam also got the Fields Medal. 

Korea cannot get it because Koreans don't look facts straight. 

Taiwan, Korea and Japan were one nation before 1945. 
Japan really modernized both areas. 
While Taiwan admits the fact and they receive Nobel Prizes in science, Korea doesn't admit it and Korea cannot receive any great prizes except for the Peace Prize by illegal money from south to north. 

South Korea got only Peace Prize and North Korea got huge money from South and just created nuclear weapons. 
South Korea bought the peace prize by money and just made North Korea much worse. 

They are too stupid to understand their hatred education against Japan based on made-up stories with vicious bias is the biggest obstacle for Korea to get Nobel Prize in science.

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