lördag 18 april 2015

mad men mbti

This is taking into consideration the characters in their entirety.  And again, speculative, all of these are, but based on observations from the show and not from hypotheticals too much, so that counts for something.  I adore doing these.

Joan Holloway Harris (Christina Hendricks)
ISTJ.  “They are noted for devotion to duty. Punctuality is a watchword of the ISTJ. The secretary, clerk, or business(wo)man by whom others set their clocks is likely to be an ISTJ… ISTJs are easily frustrated by the inconsistencies of others, especially when the second parties don’t keep their commitments. But they usually keep their feelings to themselves unless they are asked. And when asked, they don’t mince words. Truth wins out over tact… Only in times of great distress is the Introverted Feeling expressed… Otherwise, feeling is inferred, or expressed nonverbally, through eye contact, or an encouraging smile.”  I have given some thought to the introvert/extrovert issue with a lot of these characters, and for as sociable as she can be, for as good as she is at handling people, I really do think Joan is an introvert in her way.  She’s one of those introverts who is good at putting on an extroverted face, but it’s pretty clear that it’s just that, putting on a face.  She does it because it’s expected of her, because it suits her work life and her social life, and she’s not dissatisfied because of that (though she is dissatisfied, period; I swear, this woman is getting some meta tl;dr someday, in more than just these short bursts).  But what she projects is only a part of who she is as a person and only a part of how she actually feels about things and people around her; very few of the characters on the show get to know Joan the introvert because she doesn’t let them.  She doesn’t want them to see that part of her.  It took a few episodes in the first season for us the audience to even get to know Joan the introvert.  But for as skilled as she is at faking it, because she was raised to be admired, Joan the introvert is in there somewhere.
Harry Crane (Rich Sommer)
INFJ.  “INFJs have a knack for fluency in language and facility in communication… Extraverted feeling, the auxiliary deciding function, expresses a range of emotion and opinions of, for and about people. INFJs, like many other FJ types, find themselves caught between the desire to express their wealth of feelings and moral conclusions about the actions and attitudes of others, and the awareness of the consequences of unbridled candor.”  Oh, Harry.  Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce’s resident derp.  He tries to be a decent person, I think, and sometimes he has decent ideas, but his well-intentionedness has bit him in the ass before.  Sometimes he doesn’t think before he acts, and that leads to silly.
Peggy Olson (Elisabeth Moss)INTJ.  “INTJs are perfectionists, with a seemingly endless capacity for improving upon anything that takes their interest. What prevents them from becoming chronically bogged down in this pursuit of perfection is the pragmatism so characteristic of the type… they do tend to be scrupulous and even-handed about recognizing the individual contributions that have gone into a project, and have a gift for seizing opportunities which others might not even notice… INTJs are idea people.”  Idea people.  Oh, my Peggy.  My dear.  She is just intelligent and brilliant and she loves what she does genuinely and I love her for it.
Lane Pryce (Jared Harris)ISFJ.  “ISFJs are often unappreciated, at work, home, and play. Ironically, because they prove over and over that they can be relied on for their loyalty and unstinting, high-quality work, those around them often take them for granted–even take advantage of them… In the workplace, ISFJs are methodical and accurate workers, often with very good memories and unexpected analytic abilities… ISFJs make pleasant and reliable co-workers and exemplary employees, but tend to be harried and uncomfortable in supervisory roles.”  Lane.  Lane is so British.  I feel like that’s the best way to describe him sometimes.
Megan Calvet Draper (Jessica Paré)
ESFJ.  “ESFJs are generous entertainers… They by nature “wear their hearts on their sleeves,” often exuding warmth and bonhomie, but not infrequently boiling over with the vexation of their souls. Some ESFJs channel these vibrant emotions into moving dramatic performances on stage and screen… ESFJs are also capable of discerning patterns and philosophies, but such perceiving is subject to the weakness of the tertiary position, and the results often lack the variety and complexity of connections that more complex systems require.”  Megan didn’t fit in at Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce because (everyone treated her crappily and) she is just too much of an optimist, I think.  Or she tries to be.  I don’t have a lot of Megan feelings still, at least not ones that last, but I think she’s at her core a decent human.
Don Draper (Jon Hamm)ENTJ.  “ENTJs are often “larger than life” in describing their projects or proposals. This ability may be expressed as salesmanship, story-telling facility or stand-up comedy. In combination with the natural propensity for filibuster, our hero can make it very difficult for the customer to decline… Clarity of convictions endows these Thinkers with a knack for debate, or wanting knack, a penchant for argument… Feeling in this type appears most authentic when implied or expressed covertly in a firm handshake, accepting demeanor, or act of sacrifice thinly covered by excuses of lack of any personal interest in the relinquished item.”  While Joan is an introvert who acts like an extrovert, I think Don is an extrovert with introvert tendencies in some ways.  He has a lot of internal though process business to deal with, but he also needs to be with other people sometimes to be happy.  He isn’t comfortable being alone, even if he likes being by himself sometimes.  He needs people in his life.
Betty Hofstadt Draper Francis (January Jones)
ESTJ.  “ESTJs are joiners. They seek out like-minded companions in clubs, civic groups, churches and other service organizations. The need for belonging is woven into the fiber of SJs… Much of their evaluation of persons and activities reflects their strong sense of what is ‘normal’ and what isn’t… Extraverts are attracted to the ‘object,’ the external things and people in observable reality.”  Betty also has introvert tendencies in her extroversion; Betty is also uncomfortable with being alone, though.  She needs to define herself by either doing something that pertains to people or by the people she is around.
Roger Sterling (John Slattery)
ESFP.  “ESFPs love people, excitement, telling stories and having fun. The spontaneous, impulsive nature of this type is almost always entertaining. And ESFPs love to entertain — on stage, at work, and/or at home… Almost every ESFP loves to talk. Some can be identified by the twenty minute conversation required to ask or answer a simple factual question… When overused or overestimated, however, Thinking becomes a liability.”  Roger is really a hot mess of a man sometimes.  His extrovert tendencies get him in trouble; he sometimes gets ideas in his head and can’t let them go no matter how awful they are, which is the other letters acting up.
Pete Campbell (Vincent Kartheiser)
ENFP.  “ENFPs are both “idea”-people and “people”-people, who see everyone and everything as part of a cosmic whole. They want to both help and to be liked and admired by other people, on both an individual and a humanitarian level… For some ENFPs, relationships can be seriously tested by their short attention spans and emotional needs. They are easily intrigued and distracted by new friends and acquaintances, forgetting their older and more familiar emotional ties for long stretches at a time. And the less mature ENFP may need to feel they’re the constant center of attention, to confirm their image of themselves as a wonderful and fascinating person.”  Pete has his ideas, yes.  Pete also tries to be a people person, which sometimes fails but sometimes succeeds.  But, uhm, attention spans and needs for attention?  Sounds like Pete all right.

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