These people need to do some real research on what the illuminati is (like read the wikipedia article for example) and stop using youtube videos as their sole source of info. If there is an illuminati, it would have nothing to do with Michael Jackson or Beyonce. Teens try to incorporate celebrities into the story because it makes the conspiracy theory more fun. If there is a secret society that affects the world events, it certainly wouldn't be comprised of people like Gaga and Kanye West. It would be real important people like Presidents of Countries, Ben Bernanke, Bill Gates, etc.
Not people that run up on stage and make spectacles of themselves. Teens just throw celebrities into the mix to spicen it up because to teens, people like Justin Bieber and Kanye are real important people since everyone in school talks about them and all the teen outlets like MTV and social sites with mostly teens like Youtube talk about them. Teens have also embraced the whole devil worshipping thing. Satanism has nothing to do with the Illuminati. Might as well throw some Twilight vampires into the mix to make things more fun. I guess the original modern day conspiracy theory about it being a one world government was too boring, old guys like Warren Buffett are too boring to teens so they decided to throw some devil worshipping and celebrities in there.
If the illuminati wants to stop people from talking about them, why is Dan Brown still alive? Why can he write 2 bestselling books about the illuminati, yet Bob Marley and Michael Jackson, who never once mentioned the illuminati, were killed? Why can I go on Amazon and find tons of books or movies about the illuminati, and none of those authors or directors are dead? Why does the illuminati seem to only target teen icons? LMAO
I don't believe MJ did what they say he did, but that's just cuz those kids had greedy parents. Why would a powerful secret organization frame MJ and go through all that trouble, then kill him 16 years later? Why not just kill him then? and where is this evidence that MJ was going to talk about the illuminati on his tour? Who told you that? Where's the evidence that this was his intentions? How do teenagers who are in school and most of whom don't even own cars or their own businesses, know about the secret plan? Do your parents work for the CIA? Get real.
The real conspiracy is not some secret organization, it's Christian organizations trying to convince people that there's a secret society of devil worshippers that control the world economy lol.
No because everything that conspiracy theorists say about the Illuminati is the exact opposite of what they were originally created for. They say the illuminati wants to create a New World Order, but the illuminati was originally formed to resist tyranny. It was a group of people who believed in free thinking, in the 1700's when free thinking and opinions weren't very valued in Bavaria. They were the exact opposite of Dan Brown's portrayal of the illuminati today (Dan Brown got everybody talking about the illuminati with his fictional book, which he even states is fiction on the back cover. It wasn't until that book came out in the early 2000's, that I started seeing teens talking about this stuff.) If there is some sort of secret society that manipulates the economy, it would not be called the Illuminati, it would be Free Masons, and they are not the same thing, despite the fact that teens often mix the two.
Also, as you can see, I'm a Tupac fan. TUPAC DID NOT BELIEVE IN THE ILLUMINATI. When Tupac talks about the illuminati, you need to listen to what he's actually saying. He's saying that people who believe in it are dumb and that the illuminati is not real. He hated how the Nation of Islam used the illuminati to excuse things and blame everything on them. He believed that the only way for african americans to get out of a bad situation, was to stop believing in conspiracy theories and to start dealing with real problems like black on black crime. Killuminati was his effort to kill all that talk and get people to stop blaming things on secret societies.
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