torsdag 23 maj 2013


Ok, I've been researching about them for over a year, so I think I can help. Firstly yes they do worship Satan, they know a god exists however they are challenging him (because to believe in satan you have to believe in god otherwise it wouldn't make sense. They want world pleasure instead of the pleasure of the hereafter. This is against Islamic teachings (im a Muslim), so they are involved in religion. I don't know whether you are religious or not but their main goal is to get a secular world, if you check the $1 u.s. it'll contain Latin with a word 'seclorum' this stands for secular the phrase on the dollar in Latin means 'secular world', this is what they are aiming for in the new world order, for a one world religion, atheism. In Islam Satan said he'll challenge god and get as much people as possible in hell, that's their aim, to get most of us in hell, it may sound stupid but if you were a Muslim you'll understand. Secondly they try to mock abrahamic religions in many different ways, e.g. the 'dancing Jesus' vid and many mockings of Islam...the most mocked religion. They want people to hate islam, because they know its the true religion. They were the cause in the corruption of Christianity, you may think this is a pathetic point, but just bear with me, these are my religious views. 9/11 was planned 11 years before it occurred, research this for more detail. It was in order to set a bad example of Islam, to challenge god (research why) and to get into the middle east (as an excuse). Why do you think atheism is on the rise like never before? Prophet mohammed said that at the end of times people will have sexual intercourse in public, on the streets. This is how bad it can get, and those are the objectives of the new world order, to get everyone into practicing sinful actions. The one eye icon they use is the eye of anti-christ according to Islam, its not just any random symbol, they worship antichrist and Satan. Research this too. Don't get too attached though, you'll get paranoid :) For more info check my YouTube channel 'palestinian4lyf' And this video (this movie was made before 9/11 and yet it proves everything, its only 1min long, check vid description:

They killed many celebs, check the interview with mj's sister on her brothers death. They killed tupac, may have killed princess Diana as she was someone who promoted peace, did charitable work and helped people of the 3rd world. Before her death she told one of her friends Charles and Phillips were trying to kill her, then she ends up dead, the bridge she died in had all its cameras turned of on that hour of the 'accident' odd right? Plus she was in a relationship with a Muslim.

They want you to believe its a good thing. Keep an open mind, you'll only understand if you have religious points of view. Most of us Muslims know what they're upto because we are warned in many ways. I'm guessing NWO will occur in less than 40 years, once that happens many people will be involved in sinful actions especially Muslims, they'll start to copy the unbelievers (some not all)

They control everything: banks, governments, news, media, and hollywood. RESEARCH.

Illuminati members include: politicians, royal families, zionist, bank owners, I'm not sure about singers I think they just sell their souls for the sake if being famous, and used as puppets for the illuminati, but I'm not sure

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